April Update from Canberra Region Tourism Industry Council

May 14, 2024

Canberra Region Tourism Industry Council

Moving forward with the name Canberra Region Tourism Council (CRTIC) while still powered by National Capital Attractions Association (NCAA).

As you will have seen we have slowly been incorporating the business name of CRTIC into our communications and what we deliver. This will be predominant as we move forward in 2024. The reasoning: The NCAA has always been a membership-based organisation and will stay as such, however several programs that are now delivered sit under CRTIC. This allows larger membership engagement and delivery of the Quality Tourism Framework (QTF) along with aligning us with all other states/territory. Our mission will remain the same, only extended on what we deliver.

The Quality Tourism Framework (QTF) combines Tourism Accreditation, Star Ratings, and the Australian Tourism Awards programs into a single pathway for business development. CRTIC sits on the board of the Australian Tourism Industry Council (ATIC) where we have input on advocacy, decision making and support for industry at a national level. You will begin to see these updates reflected on our website as we progress, bear with us through these updates. https://www.nationalattractions.com.au/


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On the back of the Canberra Region’s successful results on the national stage in 2023 we encourage you, the industry, to enter the Canberra Region Tourism Awards (CRTA) in 2024.
The Canberra Region Tourism Awards provide an opportunity to showcase the best of our region’s tourism operators as well as promote, encourage, and reward tourism excellence. Entry is open to all businesses and suppliers to the tourism industry.
Nominations open after our launch on Wednesday 1 May.


Benefits of entering the Awards 
The Canberra Region Tourism Awards program have been recognising and rewarding business excellence, innovation and professionalism in tourism for more than 30 years. Entrants receive multiple levels of support alongside a range of benefits, including:

  • An opportunity to review business goals, and record successes
  • Raise your profile by receiving public recognition of your achievements
  • Ensure business growth and development
  • Benchmark against industry competitors
  • Examine the productivity of marketing activities
  • The opportunity to represent the Canberra Region at the Australian Tourism Awards

More information can be found here.

For further information or support in any of our accreditation modules you can access details on our website via this link, or contact Debra or Sam at info@crtic.com.au

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Launch of the CRTA for 2024

Don’t forget to register for the Canberra Region Tourism Awards launch to be held at the national gold winning organisation, the Canberra & Region Visitors Centre on 1 May.

Tickets are FREE for members.

Please register here.

Registrations close at 5.00pm Wednesday 24 April.


New Team Member – Sam Tooley

Welcome to the team our newest member, Sam Tooley. Sam has recently worked on the award winning South Coast Centre of Excellence tasked with addressing staffing and skills gaps across South East NSW within the Tourism and Hospitality industries. 

Bringing a wealth of experience working within the tourism industry with operators in Jervis Bay and Sydney, he is looking forward to connecting the Canberra Region with the Quality Tourism Framework (QTF) program.

For more information on Sam check out his LinkedIn profile here and for information on the QTF click here.


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Tourism Emissions Reduction Program

The Tourism Emissions Reduction program is driven to support SMEs to develop an estimated carbon emissions report and an emissions reduction plan.


This helps businesses to be able to take meaningful, realistic action towards reducing emissions and achieving net zero industry targets.

Recognise the actions your business is already taking to limit or reduce emissions by completing the program and making a Tourism Emissions Reduction Commitment that can be shared with visitors, industry and more.
Don’t go it alone – be part of the industry-wide push to reach emissions reduction targets and gain the support of likeminded businesses.

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Sustainable Tourism

Your Quality Tourism Accreditation program pathway starts with the Sustainable Tourism program level. Attaining this accreditation is a prerequisite for all other accreditation programs.

The Sustainable Tourism program guides brands in growing expenditure and increasing market share by implementing sustainable business practices. 

Achieving Sustainable Tourism program accreditation demonstrates that your business not only creates high quality and memorable visitor experiences, but that your brand also adopts best business standards and demonstrates sustainable business operations.

For more information about the benefits of the program please head to our website.


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Free Sustainability Webinar series

Drawing from the new national Sustainable Tourism Toolkit produced by Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) with funding support from our State and Territory Government colleagues and Tourism Australia input the free, four-part series of 1 hour webinars are designed to meet the needs of small-to-medium tourism enterprises. 

The webinars will provide easy-to-understand advice on implementing sustainability practices, whether your business is new to sustainability or well on the journey.

Sign up for the webinars here.


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Sustainability Support

Rebates are available for engery efficient upgrades including gas to electric as well as for heating, cooling, lighting and refrigeration from the ACT Government.

The maximum rebate for electric-to-electric upgrade is $5,000 (incl GST), while gas-to-electric upgrades are capped at $10,000 (incl GST).

Additionally, Canberra Innovation Network and ACT Government – Climate Change & Energy Division are hosting a seminar on Wednesday 1st May on Accelerating sustainable business practices in the ACT at the University of Canberra. Please register here

For more information, please refer to the ACT Government website.


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Canberra Region Tourism Leaders Forum

The next Tourism Advisory Forum is on Thursday 2 May at the National Convention Centre Canberra. Guest speakers include: 

His Excellency Siswo Pramono Indonesian Ambassador to Australia
– Alicia Payne MP Federal Member for Canberra
– Michael Thomson Head of Aviation Canberra Airport.
To subscribe to our invitation list, and/or RSVP click here.



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SKAL Canberra Meeting

The next SKAL International meeting is on Friday 8th May at the National Portrait Gallery and includes a tour of the major exhibition Ralph Heiman: Portraiture. Power. Influence. 

To register, please email Dorothy Barclay presidentcanberra@skal.org.au orfor more information, check out the website here.


Science in the Pub Australian American Association

The Australian American Association is hosting an evening at King O’Malleys Irish Pub on Tuesday 23rd April and features film maker Stephen Slater for a special screening of Apollo 11: Quarantine and will be  joined by Dr Brad Tucker from ANU. 

The evening will be filled with fun and learning discussing mankind’s greatest achievement and how we were protected from contamination by those pesky lunar germs!



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Upcoming Events

Canberra Region Tourism Leaders Forum 9.00am Friday 7 March 2025  @ National Convention Centre CanberraThis months guest speakers are His Excellency Ajay Bhai Amrit, Fiji High Commissioner to Australia on Fiji Airways Flights and the growth...